About Us
A Writer Empowering Souls, Healing Lives
Who am I? I am not entirely sure. In fact, that is a question I am still learning the answers to and a question I think we learn the answers to for our entire time on Earth. I used to say things like, 'I am a Histotechnologist' or 'I am the Lab Manager of the histocore at Hollings Cancer Center.'. These things are great, but they are accomplishments, they are things that I have done, but not who I am. Who am I? I am a person that loves adventure, adventure of any kind. I love the excitement of it, the thrill of it, the adrenaline rush you get. I am a person who loves to talk and listen. I love to talk about anything and everything, the silly things and the more serious things, I love it all. But my favorite thing is to listen.
I love to get comfortable, share a meal or cup of coffee, and listen as I am told things from pure joy to deepest sorrow. I do not offer any advice or opinion unless asked for it, for I feel that is best, just to listen and to see things through that person’s eyes. I am a person who loves culture and diversity. I love to travel and meet new people, see new things, share new experiences. I am also a person that gets anxious about things, and sometimes does not know why. I am a person who makes mistakes, and plenty of them. I am a person who tries very hard, but doesn’t always get it right. But I think the best way to describe myself, is a person that loves to help others, loves to love others, and will do absolutely anything for a smile. A smile or a laugh, they are the best and most precious gifts we can give to one another.